General informations
The booking mask offers the user the possibility to create time bookings (Present (Absent) / Business Trip / Doctor visit / Official trip).
The date and time are taken from the web server, and the correct booking rhythm (Arrived / Left) is determined by the system. In addition, absence reasons can also be booked (business trip, doctor visit, official trip).
Furthermore, a message can be entered that is visible to colleagues in the attendance list.
Examples: Business trip - visit to a customer; present - in meeting / conference, etc.
The "Show Journal" button can be used to provide an overview of the entire monthly journal.
To hide the journal again, click on the "Hide Journal" button. This appears automatically when you click on the "Show Journal" button.
A successful booking is acknowledged by the server with a message, if errors occur a corresponding error messages appear.
If you want to go straight to the booking screen, it would be helpful to place the following link in the browser's favourites. This way you can jump directly to the booking screen.
Name | Wert |
Webdesk Actionname | booking |
Artefakt-Typ | Action |
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