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For the first login into the Personalwolke Webdesk Client, please go to the page :

  • Username - is the username you received from your administrator.
  • Password - is the same as the user name when logging in for the first time
  • Stay logged in - this option can be selected to save the login data for an automatic login in the browser.

Before the first login: Reset password 

In the login mask please click on the link Forgot password? below the password input field. This will open the following input mask:

  • User name or e-mail address - please enter your user name or, if you do not know it, your e-mail address here

After a click on Send data you will receive an e-mail with a temporary password.

After a click on Back to login, you can enter the data from the e-mail in the login mask and continue as follows.

First Login

After the first login the password has to be changed: 

Old password: temporary password from e-mail New password: freely selectable according to the following criteria Confirm new password: the same password again for checking purposes

Password policies

There are a few rules to follow when choosing a new password:

  • at least 8 characters
  • min. at least 1 digitdigits
  • at least 1 special character (§,$,%,&,+,~,*,},[,...)
  • at least 1 upper or lower case letter 

Password change

If the password is accepted by the system (i.e. if all the above criteria are fulfilled), the following page will appear - if the password does not meet the criteria, meaningful error messages will appear.

With a click on Next to the application you get to the personal webdesk start page. 

First Login

After the first login the password has to be changed: 

Old password: temporary password from e-mail
New password: freely selectable according to the following criteria
Confirm new password: the same password again for checking purposes

Forget your password

Have you forgotten your password? No problem, click in your login mask on the button "forgot password" and continue here --> 

Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)25531594
Version 3 von Inge Lederhofer
am 12.12.18 08:51:13
Name: First Login
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 4 von Mrs. Ex-Mitarbeiter
am 19.05.21 13:17:55
Name: First Login
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung