
Vergleiche Einstellungen
Änderungen von:

Veränderungen an Parts

Part "Inhalt" wurde verändert

Veränderungen des Inhalts
Klicken Sie für eine detaillierte Beschreibung auf die geänderten Stellen:
Benutzen sie die linke oder die rechte Maustaste, um zur jeweils vorherigen bzw. nachfolgenden Änderung zu gelangen.

Change personal data

After the relevant staff member has been found, you can click on him or her to access the overview of his or her personal data. Here, the data already entered (first name, last name, username, e-mail, etc.) can be changed or the fields that are still empty can be filled in. The checkbox Active user indicates whether the employee should be able to log in to the personnel cloudthe Personalwolke. By setting it to inactive, for example, employees who have left the company can be administered, who can then no longer log in, but who still appear in the various evaluations for supervisors/managers!

After the desired changes have been made, one returns to the overview of the persons by clicking on Save or Save & Close.

Further Information

Details on the other tabs in this mask can be found under Employee administration.

Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)10831082
Version 2 von Renate Fuchs-Schreiber
am 20.10.23 11:35:50
Name: Change personal data
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 3 von Renate Fuchs-Schreiber
am 03.11.23 11:04:18
Name: Change personal data
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung