
Vergleiche Einstellungen
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Part "Inhalt" wurde verändert

Veränderungen des Inhalts
Klicken Sie für eine detaillierte Beschreibung auf die geänderten Stellen:
Benutzen sie die linke oder die rechte Maustaste, um zur jeweils vorherigen bzw. nachfolgenden Änderung zu gelangen.

In some cases, it is necessary to enter a subsequently received invoice receipt for a trip that has already been settled.
For this purpose, select "Records" as trip type on the business trip accounting start page after entering the trip date.

Since receipt entry refers to travel expenses already submitted for which all trip data has already been entered, only receipt-relevant points are to be entered.

These points are to be processed in the same way as travel expenses for domestic or international trips.

Therefore, please click on the links below to get to the respective explanations:

Kilometer allowance
Calculated costs

Since this is a subsequent entry of vouchers, no time correction is necessary.

The voucher submission is completed by clicking the "Start process" button. Saving as a draft is also possible.

Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)15581559
Version 3 von Renate Fuchs-Schreiber
am 03.07.23 14:32:37
Name: Travel expenses - records entry
Variante: main - default
Status: Entwurf
Version 4 von Renate Fuchs-Schreiber
am 07.07.23 12:32:45
Name: Travel expenses - records entry
Variante: main - default
Status: Veröffentlichung