This menu option gives the user an overview of his planned or settled trips and their position in the workflow within the period defined by him. The trips are listed chronologically here with their most important data. Using the search mask, these trips can be sorted and searched according to various criteria.
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These parameters are used by the user to set the time period to be queried.
This can be done both by direct input (in format) and by clicking on
the corresponding day in the calendar .
A click on this dropdown element opens a list from which you can select the status of the travel requests / travel settlements you are looking for:
All: All trip requests and all trip settlements are output regardless of their status.
Request draft: Only those trip requests are displayed that have been temporarily saved as draft (i.e. not yet in the workflow).
Request Approval: The system displays all trip requests that are currently in the workflow, that is, still to be approved.
Request approved: If this option is selected, only requests that have already been approved are output.
Request rejected: The result of the query outputs all rejected trip requests.
The same applies to the settlements.
Trip cancelled: Canceled or rejected trip requests / trip settlements can be displayed.
Settlement transferred: This status is set as soon as the travel expenses have been exported from the personnel cloud for import into a third-party program (for example, payroll accounting).
Payroll is posted in FIBU: This is another status that can be set after the export to a third-party system.
By travelers: Sorting is based on the name of the traveler
By assigned cost center: Sorting takes place on the basis of the cost center that can be optionally stored in the business trip.
If this field is left empty, you get the output on the screen. Alternatively, the result can also be displayed as a print-friendly version or saved as a PDF or Excel file.
The following screenshot shows the result of a query from
01.05.2015 to 31.07.2015, considering all trip statuses, selected by traveller
and in standard output format. With a click on it
can be printed or exported as PDF or Excel document.
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Erklärung der Tabellenspalten:
A click on the edit symbol opens a comprehensive
view of all information relating to the trip. In addition to the query data
described above, this view provides information about the composition of the
individual travel expenses - in some places, comments written by the employee
can also be seen. The travel information can also be opened in
a print-friendly variant via the print symbol
details are shown in the following screenshot):
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By clicking in the area framed in red, the user is again taken to the view of the menu item Business trip accounting. It is possible to view all items of the application / statement again here, but changes are no longer possible afterwards.