The structure of this menu item is similar to the one described in the chapter My Project Times . The menu item Project times of my employees is only visible for persons who are in the loose group PTM-Mgm. With this menu item the own and the project times of the employees in his area of competence can be evaluated according to different criteria.
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The result of the project time query can also be saved as Excel or prepared
for printing. The corresponding symbols are located
in the upper right corner.
Display single bookings and expand report
The result of the query can be expanded by clicking
on - i.e. each individual booking is displayed in
the corresponding period.
In order to better illustrate the effect of the individual parameters, this action was performed on all screenshots. Here is the only exception:
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(In this screenshot the report was folded by
clicking on . It is now only a rough
overview of the year 2015.)
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These parameters are used by the user to set the time period to be queried.
This can be done both by direct input (in format) and by clicking on
the corresponding day in the calendar .
This is to be understood as the path under which the respective project can be found. Also starting with the prefix. However, since there is usually only one structure anyway, there is usually no need to make any changes here.
It is possible to directly select projects by entering (parts of) the
name/short name or codes. If the entered text cannot be clearly assigned to a
project, a list of all projects corresponding to the input is displayed.
Alternatively, the list view of the projects can be opened by clicking
on . This is explained in detail in the menu
item Project time booking .
In this dropdown element, you can decide whether the result of the query should be sorted by booking element (project time booking), chronologically by date, by project or by employee, or whether it should be displayed in the form of a comparison of the attendance time with the recorded project time. The effect of this choice is shown under the point evaluation examples.
This parameter determines whether or not the system is to filter on the basis of billability. All: All projects are displayed regardless of their billability. If you select Billable, only those projects are evaluated in the query that were previously defined as billable.
This parameter is not available for selection if the Sorted by date option is selected under View variant. If Display project hierarchy is now set to Yes, the difference between projects and subprojects is clearly displayed in the result of the query (Hierarchy).
If this parameter is set to Yes, the result of the evaluation gives you access to all your own bookings made for the respective projects / the selected project.
The text entered here will later appear as the headline of the time report instead of the default report title "My Project Times".
If you leave this field blank, you get the output on the screen. Alternatively, the result can also be displayed as a print-friendly version or saved as a PDF or Excel file.
This parameter offers the following selection options: Groups with access authorization, All groups.
If a search term is entered, the system searches in all groups for which access authorization exists. It is possible to search for a complete name (surname, first name) or for a part of the name. The result then contains all possible surnames as well as first names and is highlighted in color.
In principle, all groups for which access authorization exists are searched
when an entry is made in the Search field.
If this option is checked, only the groups selected under Selection
will be searched.
With this parameter, the user has the choice between organigrams and favorites, which can be created by the user himself.
The following screenshots show the effects of some of the parameters described above.
In the screenshot above, the View variant parameter was set to Sorted by booking element. This results in a structure according to the individual projects. Each project time entry is displayed under the corresponding project - the entries are therefore only displayed chronologically within one project. The year and month of the booking are followed by the department and the name of the employee who entered the project time. This makes it possible to see exactly how the sum of the project expenses is made up.
In the screenshot above, the View Variant parameter has been set to Sorted by Date - so all project time entries, regardless of which project they concern, are displayed in chronological order. As described in the previous screenshot (Sorted by booking element), all employees are listed under the respective group names that were previously selected in the search mask under the Selection parameter.
In the screenshot above, the View
Variant parameter was set to Project Time by Project.
The example of the internal projects clearly shows that in this view variant not
only the recorded project times of the logged in user, but also those of all
other employees appear under the corresponding project.
Which employees are displayed here depends on which groups or persons have been
selected in the project effort search mask under
the Selection parameter.
In the above screenshot the parameter View
variant was set to Project time by employee. This
results in a structure according to the individual employees. Each project time
entry is displayed under the corresponding employee - the entries are therefore
only displayed chronologically within one employee.
Which employees are displayed here depends on which groups or persons have been
selected in the project effort search mask under the
parameter Selection.
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In the screenshot above, the View Variant parameter was set to Comparison Project Time / Presence Time. The purpose of this variant is to recognize at a glance whether the sum of the booked attendance times corresponds to the sum of the recorded project times. The screenshot shows that this is only the case with employee Max Haas. In contrast, Mr. Huber Peter booked 1.07 hours (blue) more project time than attendance time - the reason could be that he once forgot to book in time. Mr. Renner Rudi, on the other hand, has a minus (red) of 5.58 hours, as his presence time exceeds his project time. The last difference is so high that a minus (red) of 4.51 hours results for the entire group.
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In the screenshot above, the parameter Display project hierarchy was set to Yes. Subprojects (here: Workflow EDV) are displayed in the expanded view with line indent. Subprojects do not appear in the folded view.
This parameter is only available if either Sorted by Posting Item or Sorted by Date is selected in the View Variant field. The following screenshot shows an output with the variant Sorted by Posting Element with Single Postings:
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In the following screenshot the parameter Show single bookings was set to No. For this reason, only the total project times recorded by the respective employees are displayed, but not the individual project time postings.
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Alternative report title
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In the above screenshot, the text framed in red on the screenshot was entered using the Alternative Report Title field. The text is freely selectable and replaces the default title "Project times of my employees:", which can be found here on all other screenshots.