
Vergleiche Einstellungen
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Tab: Modules


In the tab Travel you can add vehicles. These vehicles can be selected by the person (when using the Travel module) in the Kilometre allowance tab of Travel Expenses. This makes it possible to keep a virtual logbook. After a click on the button Add the following mask appears: 

Explanation of the individual table columns:

  • Indicator
    The complete registration number of the registered vehicle must be indicated here.
  • Type
    In this dropdown element, a distinction must be made between passenger cars, motorcycles and trucks. 
  • Brand
    The car / motorcycle / truck brand must be entered here by direct input.
  • Model
    Optionally, the model can also be entered here for specification in addition to the brand.
  • Number of seats
    Here you have the possibility to indicate the number of carpooling opportunities.
  • Fuel
    In this field, you can enter whether the vehicle is powered by petrol / diesel / electricity / biofuel / etc. 
  • Valid from and Valid to
    These mandatory fields must be used to determine how long the vehicle is visible in the Mileage allowance tab of Travel Expenses. 

After filling in this form, the entry must be accepted by clicking on the Save button. Any number of vehicles per person can be added. With the the  - button (next to the Valid to field), added vehicles can be removed again.


If the optional groupware module has been ordered, you can check if the connection to the groupware system (currently Microsoft Exchange, LotusNotes and ZIMBRA are supported) is working. No changes can be made - this tab only provides a status view. 

Time recording

In order to activate time recording for the user, the check mark for Activate time recording must be set in this view. Afterwards one of the preset weekly programs must be selected!

After checking the box and selecting a week program, the settings are saved with Save.

Daily settlement

With the button Daily accounting this can be started. After clicking on the button, a window opens in which further settings must be made:

  • From
    • Enter the date from which the daily billing is to be started (each day is recalculated starting with the set date according to the selected mode up to the current day).
  • Modus
    • Copy time models and authorizations from master record
    • Re-billing with historical time model references
    • Time model from historically set weekly program

With a click on "Start daily accounting" the daily accounting is started according to the selected settings.

Master Data

Subsequently, some settings should be made under Master data in the second third of the window:

Details on the settings can be found in the following PDF:  Feldbeschreibung Stammsatz

Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)38623841
Version 2 von Inge Lederhofer
am 12.12.18 15:25:49
Name: Personen_05_ALL_Module
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 3 von Ms. Ex-Mitarbeiter
am 26.05.21 10:58:51
Name: Personen_05_ALL_Module
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung