Application Header
Application header
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Specific types of the notifications also can be shown in the header panel.
Home button
Clicking on the home button navigates the user to the Home page.
For the responsive skin the Home button is the first entry in the main menu (one can find it right below the Menu search).
For the classic skin it is the separate button in the application header (one can find it right to the Menu button).
Menu button
Clicking on the menu button changes the main menu state.
Depending on the skin and the used device, menu state can be minified / maximized, hidden / visible.
System Menu
The system menu can be activated by clicking on the arrow-symbol right top in the header. It contains system-specific actions like the application version information.
In responsive skin it contains also the link to the settings page, the logout function and optionally the Switch to other Users page.
Unread Notifications and Unread Notifications badge
Specific icon / image that notifies the user of the unread notification they have. One can find the notifications element in the header next to the system menu link.
If there are unread notifications the unread notifications badge with the number of unread notifications is displayed.
Clicking on the unread notifications navigates the user to the "Assigned requests" page.
For the classic skin: the notifications element is visible only if there are any unread notifications.
For the responsive skin the notifications element is always present. When one clicks the unread notifications icon the drop-down with number of unread notifications is shown.
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