PTM - System Settings
Webdesk EWP provides various additional tools for further configuration and automation as well as for importing and exporting large amounts of data to and from the system:
System Parameters
System parameters are settings that affect the basic behavior of Webdesk. Some parameters are fixed settings, while others can be overwritten by user-client or person-specific settings.
--> zu den verfügbaren Systemparametern in der Projektzeiterfassung
--> weitere, allgemeine Informationen zu Systemparametern
Jobs serve as periodically running auxiliary programs for synchronizing and processing data. Jobs can be started automatically with the help of a so-called trigger, which can be set e.g. daily, weekly, etc...
--> zu den Jobs in der Projektzeiterfassung
--> weitere, allgemeine Informationen zu Jobs
The connectors provide a framework for the import and export of data to and from webdesk.
--> zu den Konnektoren in der Projektzeiterfassung
--> weitere, allgemeine Informationen zu Konnektoren
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