Account corrections
The "Account corrections" form allows you to post a specific accouunt correction (e.g. redemption of overtime-hours).
Use this form to correct specific accounts for a specific date. The accounts, which can be altered/corrested are defined by the system administrator.
It is possible to parametrise the system, to produce account correction forms and send an information message to the respective user for further editing. After the user has been informed ("You have new ToDos"), the form can be edited right from the Workflow list "My ToDos".
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Click on the "Edit" button, which gets you to the details of the generated account correction.
Enter the date, the amount of hours to correct (minimum and maximum limit is defined by the system), and an optional comment.
You can start the form either directly, by a click on the "Start process"
button, or save it as a draft for further editings, by clicking on the "Save as
draft" button.
For detailed desription of handling, please see chapter >> Application
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