The organisational chart shows the division of a client into its
organisational units hierarchically. It therefore provides a graphical overview
of the organisational units and an overview of how they relate to each other
As the organisation chart only shows hierarchical structures, groups of other
organisational types (such as loose groups, project groups or cost centres) are
not displayed.
With the help of some parameters, either only organisational units or organisational units including the assigned employees can be displayed when setting up the organisation chart. You can also search for specific roles in the organisation chart. The departments are displayed with the desired role holders, e.g. assigned superiors or department heads.
Organisational units that have not yet been assigned to a higher-level OU are displayed in a different colour. This means that they can be recognised at first glance and can be assigned to the desired position directly via the organisation chart.
From the user's point of view, the organisation chart plays a significant role when calling up certain information lists (information lists, e.g. management lists) or when querying the attendance table, etc.
Webdesk EWP uses the access permission to determine which parts of the organisation chart (groups) may be reported on and which organisational units the employee may view. Those groups for which there is no viewing permission cannot be selected in the organisation chart. You can find more details on this under Action management.
In contrast to the company organisation chart, non-hierarchical organisational structures such as loose groups or cost centres can also be displayed in the information lists, provided authorisation is available.
Webdesk EWP is able to memorise the user's query criteria when information lists are called up, so that the same selection of groups is suggested for the next query. If new query criteria are then required, these can be selected as usual.
Technically speaking, the company's organisational chart is implemented using the following relationships between the organisational elements:
- Affiliation of the employee to the organisational unit
- Relationships between the organisational units (parent/child)
- Assignment of the supervisor role to specific employees for a specific area of competence, i.e. for one or more hierarchical organisational units (department, team, division, staff unit, etc...)
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