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This article describes the steps necessary to install a Webdesk 4.x.
Steps in Detail
For the Installation used File: setup-webdesk-xxxx-xx-bit.exe
The Installation starts with a Double-click.
- Choose your language: German or English
Welcome screen appears, Next - Select installation variant:
- Standalone-Installation
With context path of the application: webdesk
Standalone is selected if no other web server is to run on this device
- Installation in existing Web-Server
this Installation is usefull if there is allready an existing Server with tomcat installed
- Choose Standalone, next
- Select destination directory, C:\WebdeskEWP , install
- Webdesk get gets installed
- Choose your License
- License-File (Textfield with a Chooser)
you get your license from Workflow
- Demo-License
- choose the right License, next
- Select Webdesk Database Type
- Database Server
This option is to be selected if a permanent operation is desired (seperated SQL Server, etc.)
- Temporary Database
is includet in the Webdesk-Setup, losts its entries if the Webdesk gets shut down
- Choose your Database Server, next
- Important information appears about the databases, next
- Webdesk Database-Connection
- User: wdadm
- Password: wdadm
- Hostname: localhost
- Database: SQL Server
- Schema: webdesk
- Port: 1433
- JDBC-URL: jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=webdesk
- next
- Connection was successful!, next
- Shark Database-Connection
- User: wdadm
- Password: wdadm
- Hostname: localhost
- Database: SQL Server
- Schema: webdesk
- Port: 1433
- JDBC-URL: jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=shark
- next
- Installation completed successfully!
- „Start Webdesk Server“ ist checked
- „Start Web-Browser for Webdesk“ ist checked
- Close
- The web browser opens a window with the Webdesk in it
- Check in the Windows services whether Webdesk Server is running: yes
- Open the Properties of Webdesk server and change the start type to automatically, apply, ok
- Log in as administrator in the browser window