[WD-7197 ] -
HR Expert the print function is broken
[WD-7471 ] -
Roles are not refreshed in HrPersonEditor in HRX when switching to another
[WD-7480 ] -
Cached login tokens are used inside PoRestPasswordService
[WD-7510 ] -
Edit text module: Use icon catalog
[WD-7534 ] -
Custom serialization doesn't work after upgrade to Spring 4
[WD-7535 ] -
PTM REST tests can not find application context (spring 4 upgrade)
[WD-7538 ] -
Firefox - Welcome: Error in js-File webdeskCore
[WD-7541 ] -
Rest Tests failing (LazyInitializationException)
[WD-7547 ] -
Number appears during "Mitarbeitergespräch"-Workflow
[WD-7550 ] -
Activating TA for a new person in HR-Expert must not be possible when the form
is not in edit-mode, or the person was not yet saved
[WD-7557 ] -
Stop-watch shows JS "Error: $hiddenDiv is not defined" dialog when clicking onto
"Edit" button of a terminated effort
[WD-7561 ] -
Edit appraisal interview: Next button out of layout
[WD-7562 ] -
Edit appraisal interview: Hide Panel Send email notification to meeting
[WD-7342 ] -
Start and stop timestamps of a project effort booking must correlate to a "Kiosk
UID" which correlates to an "External Reference ID" (i.e. for SAP)
[WD-7385 ] -
Rest Endpoint for registering a new Kiosk and querying existing kiosk by
[WD-7457 ] -
Improvements report organisation unit list
[WD-7458 ] -
Improvements report position plan
[WD-7459 ] -
Improvements report Cost center lists/employee List
[WD-7460 ] -
Improvements report Cost center lists/person cost center list
[WD-7461 ] -
Improvements report Cost center lists/Cost center list
[WD-7462 ] -
Improvements report state of employees/Reason and state list
[WD-7495 ] -
Modify getAssignments Rest Endpoint to Describe if User is Admin
[WD-7511 ] -
Local admin and technical user for Kiosk terminal + Group to hold technical
users of a client
[WD-7555 ] -
Welcome: Welcome Image is cached
[WD-7564 ] -
Edit appraisal interview: Hide Notify Also chooser in participants tab
New Feature
[WD-7185 ] -
Experimental Features Flag for webdesk actions
[WD-7433 ] -
Display unproductive project structures in special folder at special position
[WD-2225 ] -
Move Webdesk trunk to Java 8
[WD-7490 ] -
Refactor PoSystemInformationRestEndpoint
[WD-7544 ] -
Rest endpoint spring bean refactoring
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