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Webdesk is able to create an automatic system notification, in case if a defined event/happening occurs in the time-management system (e.g. booking outside skeleton time, forgotten going-booking).
After the system has created a notification, the respective user is informed ("You have new assigned ToDosTo Dos"), and automatically transferred into the List of "Assigned ToDosTo Dos".
In the list you have the possibility to start a request/application, which is offered by the system (e.g. time correction, authorisation for overtime-hours). The requests/applictions applications are defined by the system administrator.
Start process
A click on the "Start process" button delivers a popup pop-up with the question: "Do you want to delete the system notification and to start the request?" A click on the OK forwards you into the defined request, the system notification is deleted.
A click on the "Cancel" button leaves the system notification unhandled in the list, no request is started.
The "Delete" button delets deletes the system notification, without any further actions. Depending on the event/happening in the time management system, it may happen, that e.g. your over-time hours won`t be evaluated, and not paid.
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