Veränderungen des Inhalts
Klicken Sie für eine detaillierte Beschreibung auf die geänderten Stellen:
Benutzen sie die linke oder die rechte Maustaste, um zur jeweils vorherigen bzw. nachfolgenden Änderung zu gelangen.
Webdesk provides various lists and filters, usefull useful for the management, the HR-department etc. This are only a few possible examples:
- Account list
- Booking list
- Filter lists
- Statistics
The selection of the requested units/departments is operated either via the organigramm the organigram or the favouritsfavourite-list.
Query with a respective date
This parameter provides following selection:
No grouping: display of all user in alphabetical order
1st. Level: display of all selected groups and user underneath the 1st. knot
- Example:
- Selection of group SA01 >> all user/groups located under G01 will be displayed, since G01 represents the highest knot in the organigrammthe organigram
2nd. Level: analogue to the 1st. level, all user/groups located under the 2nd knot will be displayed
3rd. Level: analogue to the 1st. and 2nd. Level
Selection tree
This parameter allows following selection:
Groups according to authorisation level: The organigramm organigram displays all groups, in accordance with the autorisation authorisation level of the user.
All Groups: the organigramm organigram displays all groups, even if the user is not authorised to select and query all of them
According to the entered criteria, such as name (first name, family name, academic title) or initial letter, all groups all searched. The result includes all family and first names, according to the search-entry, or starting with the initial letter (*e.g. we*), or including an academic title.
Output format
The output of your management-list can be formated formatted as PDF, Excel or print version, without a previous display of the HTML-list (time saving). If there is no selection (blank), you will receive the HTML-list.
Consider Search parameter
This parameter has only an effect, when a name has been entered in the "Search" field. If activated, only the selected organigrammorganigram-groups will be searched. If it is not activated, the query searches the entire organigramm organigram (acc. to the authorisation level).
This parameter provides the choice between the organigramm organigram or a list of favourites, created by the user:
- All folders marked with a "+" symbol can be further expanded, so the subunits will appear.
- A click on the respective unit sets a mark, a double-click marks also all subunits
- A click on the green arrow > Show subunits until node 1-3 > displays all existing subunits
- A click on the blue arrow > Minimize tree > minimizes the organigrammorganigram, only the superior groups appear
- Show details > a click on this symbol displays the names (short names) of all selected units, even if the organigramm organigram is collapsed. Click here again, and the names (details) dissappeardisappear
- A click on the "Query" button starts the query.
Every user can create his own list of favourites, containing the colleagues/user, who are queried most frequently.
You can either create a favourite group, or a favourite person, or a mix of both.
If you like to create a favourite group, then mark the group-parameter. Same procedure for creating a favourite person-list.
Add a person to the list > click on the blue arrow > select the person > click on the "Add" button
- The sequence of persons in the list can be changed with the arrow-keys
Remove a preson person from the list > click on the red "delete" symbol next to the name.
The selection criteria you have entered in the Selection tree will be saved for the next query.