Es folgt eine Liste von Tickets, welche aus unserem Releasemanagement-System Jira exportiert wurden und der beschriebenen Release zugeordnet sind:
- [WD-1786] - Exception when editing a ptm favorite
- [WD-1911] - Icon / javascript popup doesn't show up if open, unread todos are available
- [WD-1610] - Display the full name of the hierarchical group in lists (ta_getOrgJournal, ta_getStatistic)
- [WD-1777] - ptm_getOrgProjectEfforts: Possibility to hide standard reports
- [WD-1798] - Possibility to jump from travel request / expense to the underlying process' details
- [WD-1907] - RRZ: Bug when using the context menu from "Kurzjournal"
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