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Webdesk EWP stands for Enterprise Workflow Portal and provides a uniform interface for the employee to participate in electronic processes of the company and to plan his/her work in accordance with the team. It integrates all Human Resources (HR) and groupware systems and provides the necessary information to all employees in accordance with their role in the company.

Verfügbare Module in Webdesk EWP

  • TIME ESS - Zeitmanagement für Mitarbeiter, Führungskräfte und Personalverwaltung
  • TRAVEL - Reisemangement von der Beantragung bis zur Abrechnung von sämtlichen Spesen bis zur Lohnüberleitung
  • RESCHEDULING - Kurzfristige Planung von Personal
  • REPORTING - Flexible Berichtserstellung mit Opensource Kern
  • GROUPWARE-LINK  - Integration von Outlook/Exchange bzw. Lotus Notes/Domino in die Zeiterfassung bzw. das Reisemanagement
  • WORKFLOW -  Standardbasierte Workflow-Engine mit Plugin-konzept für Formulare, Systemaktivitäten u. Konfigurationseditoren
  • TRAINING ESS - Die optimale Ergänzung für das Seminar u. Veranstaltungsmangement-Tool "GlobalAnalyse Training"

Webdesk EWP provides a holistic view on employees, their roles and permissions, as well as on the processes in which they are involved. It allows the distribution of information, stored in many back-end systems, through simple dialogues and actions referred to the role of the employee. Via the graphical process modeling various processes can not only become "electrified" but also completely revised and improved. Especially the ability to overcome existing media-breaks creates additional potential savings.

Webdesk EWP offers a scalable N-tier architecture which is based on J2EE technology. It is a complete rewrite on the industry-standard Java. The advantage for our customers is our absolute flexibility regarding the necessary basic infrastructure. Webdesk EWP supports most of the common database systems and application servers. In case there is no basic infrastructure which has to be integrated, we can implement our products basing on open source middlewareopen source stacks. The server is written in Java and can be run in any servlet container (e.g. Tomcat or Jetty) run. Data access happens via open source middleware (Hibernate), so you are flexible when it comes to the selection of an database server (SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, ...). Authentication can be run via SSO (NTLM / Kerberos), LDAP or internal DB-based services. By deploying the server load across multiple application servers (load balancing), the system can be scaled upward and at the same time the fail-security is ensured.

Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)14682766
Version 3 von Mrs. Ex-Mitarbeiter
am 22.08.11 10:24:24
Name: Webdesk EWP
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 4 von Mrs. Ex-Mitarbeiter
am 22.08.11 10:39:14
Name: Webdesk EWP
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung