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Our products originate from concrete customer requirements. They evolve from partnerlike project implementation with our customers. Every singl eproduct can be adjusted flexibly to the respective company and its needs.

Flexible adjustments of our basic product Webdesk EWP combined with corresponding modules provides your optimal individual solution.

Webdesk EWP

Efficient human resources management through Employee Self Service. Learn more about your possibility to relieve / unburden your human resources department with WEBDESK EWP. Flexibility and general overview with Webdesk EWP provide the ideal support for your company!

Global Analyse

GLOBAL ANALYSE is a powerful tool to optimizeyour optimize your administrative HR effort. It includes all imprtant functions of HR management: : starting with the administration of the master data, job- and organisational plans, to internal trainings and recruiting.

Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)15431543
Version 2 von Mrs. Ex-Mitarbeiter
am 18.08.11 12:32:59
Name: Products
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 3 von Mrs. Ex-Mitarbeiter
am 18.08.11 12:33:18
Name: Products
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung