
Vergleiche Einstellungen
Änderungen von: Lade Dokumentname ... [v] Version: 2 [v]   [v]
bis: Lade Dokumentname ... [v] Version: 3 [v]   [v]

Veränderungen an Parts

Part "Inhalt" wurde verändert

Veränderungen des Inhalts
Klicken Sie für eine detaillierte Beschreibung auf die geänderten Stellen:
Benutzen sie die linke oder die rechte Maustaste, um zur jeweils vorherigen bzw. nachfolgenden Änderung zu gelangen.


  • [WD-7069] - Duplicate messages when terminating a person
  • [WD-7825] - Changing one project image falsely changes the image of all other projects too
  • [WD-7868] - Opening an existing image in the image popup editor doesn't load the existing image
  • [WD-7980] - Drag&Drop of menu-items in Menutree Maintainance
  • [WD-8050] - WAR Files are broken - webdesk jar files duplicated. [WD-8059] - Declaration of sumMin is missing in rescheduling.js
  • [WD-8077] - NPE in GwUserDataServiceNotesImpl
  • [WD-8085] - Photo-image on welcome page looses circle shape
  • [WD-8094] - Regression: NPE on Connectorlink syncs with javascript
  • [WD-8097] - PtmSetPtmTimeEffortStateWfApplication missing in ApplicationContext
  • [WD-8146] - Drag&Drop from and to a folder not working
  • [WD-8147] - Exception when trying to open po_editCloudLicence.act
  • [WD-8148] - Systemparameter contains Beans from HR-Expert which should not be managable


  • [WD-7393] - Allow editing validity period for current/scheduled Nfc tag holders
  • [WD-7426] - Remove references to deprecated method PoPasswordServiceImpl.resetToRandomPasswordAndSendMail()
  • [WD-7588] - Termination Assistant needs solution for documenting "Date of data entry" in addition to "Announcement Date" and "Termination Date"
  • [WD-7677] - Project image buttons "Add/Change" and "Clear" are hidden when the project is in read-only mode
  • [WD-7738] - Improve Page rendering speed
  • [WD-7855] - Change" and "Clear" buttons nearby project photo thumbnail
  • [WD-7932] - Vertical split panes can scroll independently and can optionally have fixed headers
  • [WD-7934] - In split pane views the detail pane remembers its tab selection when stepping through the elements in the tree
  • [WD-7958] - Clicking "Show Project Tree" auto expands the tree path to the current project and shows it selected
  • [WD-8091] - Project image shall not have hover effect as only EDIT button triggers popup
  • [WD-8093] - In the image popup change the button label to "Done" instead of "Apply"
  • [WD-8101] - Larger margin-top for logo block to not confuse checkbox from block above

New Feature

  • [WD-6352] - Full Auditlogging (Audittrail) in Webdesk
  • [WD-7676] - Thumbnail preview height shall be as in Kiosk usage (~ 70px), to get realistic impression
  • [WD-7708] - Creating a "New Kiosk" in Webdesk shall automatically create a technical user and assign it
  • [WD-7972] - Password policy (expiration in particular) shall exempt technical users but not Kiosk admins


  • [WD-7657] - Add independent scrolling for organigram tree in HRX reports
  • [WD-7661] - Improve the layout for reports in HRX
  • [WD-7904] - Improvements report Organisation unit list
  • [WD-8007] - Transform label "Assign to employee" plus nearby buttons into dropdown-button
Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)52145077
Version 2 von Inge Lederhofer
am 10.01.19 12:44:44
Name: 4.1.9
Variante: main - default
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 3 von Inge Lederhofer
am 11.01.19 08:52:52
Name: 4.1.9
Variante: main - default
Status: Veröffentlichung