Es folgt eine Liste von Tickets, welche aus unserem Releasemanagement-System Jira exportiert wurden und der beschriebenen Release zugeordnet sind:
- [WD-2368] - Wrong deduction of meals if new allowance calc definition is used
- [WD-2374] - wf_getOrgProcessInstances - no org tree available
- [WD-2398] - Various problems with cache replication
- [WD-2411] - ta_editRebookings: it's not possible to save the entered rebooking if the suggested maxValue is < 0
- [WD-2414] - Text fields in table are too big
- [WD-2426] - Button "Save and Forward" is displayed although it shouldn't be
- [WD-2436] - Regression: Too many connections - editMenuTree
- [WD-2450] - Reports not working anymore after changing
- [WD-2451] - Attendance Tableau: anonymisation and suppression of reason code does not work
- [WD-2459] - Strange "toInclusive" behavior in travel expense
- [WD-2433] - ta_getCalender additional columns: Sonderfälle
- [WD-2444] - Allow passing parameters from corporate view calculator to taxfree view calculator
- [WD-2407] - Backport Groupwise changes to 3.8
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