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daisy:6757-dsy (Liste der Jira Tickets)
- [WD-852] - Simultanous Startup of Webdesk Cluster members may lead to jobs running on all cluster nodes
- [WD-1503] - clientside Validition of time-efforts in Webdesk projecttime is not working correctly
- [WD-1549] - GwOptions: groupsToCheck cannot handle multiple groups with same short name
- [WD-1550] - PoOrganisationService.findGroupByShortName(String shortName) cannot handle multiple clients properly
- [WD-864] - Add Weinre Debugging Facilities to Mobile Clients
- [WD-1500] - Styling & small functional improvement of Mobile Apps
- [WD-1501] - Workflow Mobile Refresh duplicates entries in list
- [WD-1502] - Ta Time Mobile: Absencecodes of colegue status and server journal do not match