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  • [WD-6850] - "About" dialog misses some important informations about the runtime environment
  • [WD-6890] - Image for PTM-Project is falsely also used as the user's avatar photo
  • [WD-6974] - Time entry causes "Keine Buchung"
  • [WD-6991] - Terms of service popup in EVM is not scrollable and therefor not useable
  • [WD-7049] - Entity appears twice in trash listing: At bottom of one page and top of next page
  • [WD-7147] - Editing/Saving person in HR-Expert Person editor results in NPE
  • [WD-7150] - Viewtype year leads to exception in rs_showReschedulings.act
  • [WD-7151] - Editing Relations in HRX Personeditor are rolling back to initial state after 2nd (!) save
  • [WD-7164] - It is possible to enter project time efforts that overlap running ones
  • [WD-7166] - New employment state is not saved for subsequently loaded persons, but person loaded after browser refresh works
  • [WD-7171] - Weekly program from a newly added current employment state overwrites the weekly program of the old employment state
  • [WD-7211] - Can not save time effort when entering just duration
  • [WD-7213] - Error message after a validation error
  • [WD-7218] - Saving of client tab 'Time & Attendance' results in exception


  • [WD-6058] - Trash Bin - Rework actions to restore/delete objects (also person-related)
  • [WD-6879] - Hide security panel in user settings when user logged in using SSO
  • [WD-6955] - Make ACM request layout responsive
  • [WD-6990] - The generated employee-Id, when canceling a person creation, must be reused and available on next person creation
  • [WD-7001] - Make "Reassign" in wf list open todos available for local administrators (and personalized full system admins)
  • [WD-7004] - Improvements of layout in PoShowDataTransferHistory after introduction of new filtering options
  • [WD-7019] - Refactor Rest endpoints and utilities
  • [WD-7139] - Delete confirm dialog is barely readable and comprehensible as Shortname Longname Description are simply concatenated without any separator or styling

New Feature

  • [WD-7091] - Add explicit filter (criteria) "Unchanged" to Master and Detail Panel of ChangeList
  • [WD-7093] - Make master table in ChangeList filter-able by the user
  • [WD-7107] - editTaskTimeShares: improve input form layout and behaviour
  • [WD-7109] - editTaskTimeShares: take client assignments into account in the input form
  • [WD-7134] - Workaround for real Table Grouping in Detail Panel of Changelist it to use field name prefixes


  • [WD-6215] - Release final Version on Apple App Store
  • [WD-6613] - Make a generic holiday service available (without direct dependency to TA)
  • [WD-7044] - Extend multi-module-maven-release-plugin to support released versions in parent/pom.xml
  • [WD-7089] - Implement Cocoon dialog to confirm clearing of TA-Id when person gets inactivated
Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)375114
Version 1 von Inge Lederhofer
am 06.06.18 08:34:42
Name: 4.0.30
Variante: main - default
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 2 von Inge Lederhofer
am 12.07.18 08:46:00
Name: 4.0.30
Variante: main - default
Status: Veröffentlichung