Recording of disabilities and tax benefits
Record disability
- Open the relevant employee.
- Open the Tab Employment - Disabilities.
- By clicking on "Edit", the employee file is set to write
- Create a new entry by clicking on "New".
- In the "Disability" field, select the corresponding
disability from the selection list.
- The indication of the approved "percentage" of the
disability is a mandatory field (red asterisk).
- "Legal number" is also a mandatory field and usually has a
value ≥ 1, depending on how many jobs this disability can be credited for, can
be found at:
(site of the WKO)
- Mandatory fields are the two date fields "Valid from" and
"Valid to".
- The fields "Authority", "Date of
recognition", "File number" and
"Comment" are only used for more detailed entry and can also
remain empty.
- After clicking on "Save" you will receive a success message
including a note that you can now link documents for the
disability, see: Linking documents with disability or
tax advantage
Enter tax advantage
- Open the Tab Finances - Tax advantages
- By clicking on "Edit", the employee file is set to write
- Create a new entry by clicking on "New".
- A selection list is stored for the "Type" field.
- Mandatory fields are still the two date fields for the validity,
"Valid from" and "Valid to".
- The "Comment" field is for more detailed entry only and can
also remain empty.
- After clicking on "Save" you will receive a success message
including a note that you can now link documents for the tax
benefit, see: Link document with disability or tax
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