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The user can use this menu option to query the master data and account balances of the most important time recording accounts for a specific key date. 

In the date field, the user can enter an alternative date (alternative key date). The date can either be entered directly in the format (e.g.: 03.04.2021) or selected by clicking on the calendar symbol. By updating (click on the "Refresh" button) you will get the account values for the selected key date.

Personal data

In addition to general personal data such as surname and first name, further information is also displayed:

Employee ID - Personnel number including the fixed prefix (0001 in this case; generally: the first 4 digits of the employee ID) 
Username - Login name of the employee whereby the e-mail address can also be used for the login.
Group- the department to which the employee is assigned.
Holidy entitlement - employee's vacation entitlement in days

Account values

The account values provide an overview / summary of the most important time accounts for the key date selected under Date:

Time balance- the sum of the actual time (actual attendance) reduced by the target time.
Remaining holidays - the currently available remaining vacation in days
Unplanned holidays - corresponds to the remaining vacation minus the planned vacation in days.
Planned holidays- Planned vacation in days
Consumed holidays - days of holiday already consumed
Sick days (yearly) - the annual sick days
Doctor's appointments (hrl.) - the booked doctor's courses in hours
Passive travel time (mly.)

Important: The displayed values are the values for the selected key date!

Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)22072243
Version 5 von Sandra Tomasevic
am 26.05.21 07:23:08
Name: Personal / Accounts
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 6 von Ms. Ex-Mitarbeiter
am 07.06.21 07:26:38
Name: Personal / Accounts
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung