
Release Notes - Webdesk - Version 4.1.13


  • [WD-8207] - Wrong holiday entitlement calculated for vacation requests that end on the day the yearly entitlement is added
  • [WD-8208] - NumberFormatException when using char field in 6020 for number of vacation days
  • [WD-8209] - Displaying of vacation entitlement table in vacation request is only calculated when the to date is changed
  • [WD-8213] - Time corrections on days with an open booking interval should only close the booking interval if the timecorrection is within the open interval
  • [WD-8220] - Workflow-List: show confirmation dialog on button cancel


  • [WD-8218] - Show package and process id in selection list configuration (wf_getOrgProcessInstances)


  • [WD-8052] - TaCheckMaxWorkingTime: make it possible to use velocity scripts in mailbody
  • [WD-8173] - po_editUserSettings: make it possible to define the maximum validity of deputy assignments
  • [WD-8214] - Add method getRecordSpecialsAmountPaidByCompanyOfType(String commaSepeatedList) in TmTravelDecorator
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