Changes in vaccation accounting as of 07.09.2023
As of 07.09.2023, changes will come into effect in the fields in the "Leave Offset" area, which affect the factoring of leave entitlement when entering or leaving the company and the addition date of leave entitlements.
The following changes have been made:
Factoring of the entry year
In the future, the following options will be available in the "Factoring of entry year" field:
- No
- Legally compliant (Austria)
- Aliquot
- Part-time
The options
- No / partial parental leave, resignation
- Legally compliant (Austria) / Prorated maternity leave, resignation
- Aliquot / Proration of parental leave, resignation
are no longer available and will instead be transferred to the new parameter "Proration of leaving or maternity leave" (checkbox).
Reference date of the addition
Here there is a new field "Addition of annual entitlement" with the following choices
- Entrance year
- Calendar year
If neither the one nor the other selection option is suitable, there is still the possibility to enter a separate date in the "Alternative date of addition" field.
The inventory data is transferred as follows:
Existing fields / check |
Conversion to new fields |
Date "Alternative cut-off date of addition" = entry date (comparison on day / month). |
Addition of the annual entitlement: entry date Alternative date of addition: will be deleted |
Date "Alternative cut-off date of addition" = 01.01. |
Addition of the annual entitlement: calendar year Alternative date of addition: will be deleted |
Date "Alternative key date of addition" = empty, but basic entitlement filled in |
Addition of the annual entitlement: calendar year |
None of the above criteria |
Alternative cut-off date for addition: remains unchanged |
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