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Note: This section describes the standard form of this function. It is possible that the function you are using differs from what is described here due to the client-specific design of the process.


The special absence time request is used, in consultation with the superior, to record special leave, for example for marriage, birth, death, cure, etc. 

  • From - To Date 
    Duration of planned absence time
  • Absence reason
    Selection of the reason for the error (special paid leave, treatment, care leave)
  • Comment
    Enter possible comments (possibly useful information for subsequent editors)

The actual special leave entitlement in days for e.g: marriage, death, birth, change of residence, etc. depends on the respective collective agreement and cannot be fixed as a general sum!

As support, the user can show his calendar to get an overview of his own annual planning. Furthermore, the group calendar can also be displayed, which provides an overview of the planned absences within the department.
The calendar / group calendar can be hidden again by clicking on the button "Hide calendar" / "Hide group calendar".

After starting the process, you will be forwarded to the Uncompleted Requests overview where you can see all your open applications sorted chronologically by the time they were created.

Approval process

Applicant (Requestor) --> Manager for Approval --> Human Resources Department / Manager for Approval

This request is also submitted to the human resources manager for approval after the supervisor to check whether there is a justified entitlement to special leave and to compare the chosen duration of special leave with the limits set in the collective agreement.

The supervisor can also be the human resources manager at the same time - in this case, the application must be approved twice.

Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)22952529
Version 9 von Renate Fuchs-Schreiber
am 18.09.23 13:33:28
Name: Special absenteeism
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 10 von Renate Fuchs-Schreiber
am 05.11.24 15:38:09
Name: Special absenteeism
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung