

A click on "New person" starts the process for creating a new employee. 

neue Person

The following input mask then opens:


The fields marked with a red line must be filled in while the unmarked fields are optional.

After entering your first name and surname, you have to select your company under Client and then a group to which the person should belong. 

Note: In principle, the required hierarchical groups (departments) should be created BEFORE persons are created, since a new employee must be assigned directly!


Important: After saving the person, it MUST be added to at least the loose group "xxx-ALLE" under the newly appearing tab Groups (not visible before saving). Otherwise no menu tree is available to the user after the login!

 After selecting the client, the fields User name and Personnel number are automatically filled with fixed client-specific prefixes (in this example, "pb" and "0001"). Except for these two prefixes, the user name and personnel number can be freely selected - but must be unique within the company.


ZEF Master record number is automatically filled by the system and cannot be changed.

E-mail notification controls whether the user should receive an e-mail when new requests for approval / review are received.

E-mail notification as a deputy analogous to the point E-mail notification, only from the viewpoint of the deputy

Activates / deactivates the deputy regulation, i.e. the deputy is authorized / not authorized to approve proposals.

E-mail the e-mail address of the user to whom the notifications will be delivered.

As already mentioned, the other fields are optional and self-explanatory.

Once all fields have been filled in, the person can be created by clicking on Save. The successful saving is confirmed with a corresponding message (person 'Mustermann Max' was saved successfully!). Only now can the password for the user be reset to the default password (=user name) by clicking the Reset password button. This must be changed when the user logs in for the first time.


After saving a person, the password of the user can be reset to the default password using Reset Password.

Note: The default password corresponds to the user name including prefix (case sensitive!) and must be changed after the first login!


People Management

After successful saving, the additional tabs Groups, Roles, Action permissions, In the competence area of these role owners and Modules appear.

Personen reiter

Tab: Groups

Under Groups, you can change the assignment to a hierarchical group (organization chart) and add the assignment to a lot group.

Hierarchical Groups

Gruppe Organigramm

Here you can see that the selected user is currently assigned to the group PB-AGB1 (Geschäftsbereich 1) in the organization chart PP. With Valid from and Valid to, you can define a period in which the person is assigned to a particular group. Under New Group, you can select another group and define a time period for the validity of the group membership. The check mark at with past determines whether expired (past) group memberships should also be displayed in the list of group memberships. 

As an example: Mr. Müller works until 02.05.2013 in the PP-ENTW group and is to belong to the PP-AGB1 group from 03.05.2013. To realize this automatically, the Valid until date can already be changed to 02.05.2013 and the group PB-AGB1 with Valid from 03.05.2013 can be saved under new group. Thus the group change takes place automatically on the specified key date.

Note: A person can only be a member of one hierarchical group at a time!

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