
Vergleiche Einstellungen
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Part "Inhalt" wurde verändert

Veränderungen des Inhalts
Klicken Sie für eine detaillierte Beschreibung auf die geänderten Stellen:
Benutzen sie die linke oder die rechte Maustaste, um zur jeweils vorherigen bzw. nachfolgenden Änderung zu gelangen.

Here, you can prepare an employee for leaving the company, or you can execute it immediately, depending on how the status is set.

After saving, you will find the following: 

  • In the active employment stage, "Valid to" is set to the last day of the employment relationship.
  • A new " Terminated " period is created as of the following day.

If a resignation is only announced, this has no direct effect.

The employment segments are unchanged and the notice has not yet become effective.

Up to the notice date, it is still possible for the personnel manager to "cancel" the leaving:

  • Select the marked resignation
  • Click on "Edit".
  • Change status from "announced" to "withdrawn"
  • Click on "Save"

Withdrawal of the termination causes:

  • The employment relationship remains valid unchanged.

The purpose of this tab is to inform you about scheduled or implemented termination of the employee. 

Registration, schedulings, changements or withdrawings of an employee's termination happen via using the feature "More" and "Scheduling/implement termination" in the masterdata form of the employee affected. 

For further informations and a step-by-step instruction  pleas see Registration of terminations in HR-Expert. 

Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)1108480
Version 3 von Renate Fuchs-Schreiber
am 20.10.22 07:50:54
Name: Tab Employment - Terminations
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 4 von Renate Fuchs-Schreiber
am 16.12.22 10:10:16
Name: Tab Employment - Terminations
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung