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Maintaining week programs

The action "weekly programs" is used to create weekly programs.


In the column "Client" you can see to which client this week program is assigned. If the column is empty, then this is a standard week program from Personalwolke, which is available to all but cannot be edited. Every week program is assigned an ID by the system. This ID cannot be changed. 

With "week program(s)" you can see how many week cycles this week program contains. For example, if there is a 2, this means that this week program has 2 week cycles. The weekly hours of the respective weekly program are shown in the column "with these hours per week". If a week program has multiple week cycles, then you will see the respective week hours of the week separated by a comma.

Basic info: A weekly program consists of several daily programs. There must be one day program for each day of the week, i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In addition, holidays such as Christmas, New Year's Eve and public holidays must be taken into consideration. 

Create a new weekly program

If you click on the button "new weekly program", an editor will open where you can create a new weekly program. 

  • Select a template
    The daily programs are also deposited in the template here. Change these as desired. In fact, that the holidays are already deposited in the template, you save a lot of time. 
  • Enter a "short name" and a "long name" for your weekly program.
  • The hours per week are calculated automatically by the system based on the day programs that are deposited in the week program.

First select a day target time. The system will show you in the colum "daily programs" all daily programs which contains this day target time.

Now it is necessary to fill all the other days in the weekly program. Here an example how to create a 38:30 week program:


In this example you can see that the working time from Monday to Friday is 07:42. On Saturday and Sunday the working time is 00:00.

You can also enter the holidays of the weekly program. If you have selected a template and the holidays are already entered, then these are automatically imported. 


After you have saved the weekly program, you will be automatically forwarded to the edit mode so that you can still fine-tune the weekly program.

Edit weekly program

If you click on the button "new weekly program", an editor will open where you can create a new weekly program. 

You can edit existing weekly programs. Even, when you create a new week program, you will be forwarded directly to the edit mode of the weekly program.


Tab "Daily programs for working days, saturdays and sundays"

In the first tab you can parameterize which daily programs should be used from Monday to Sunday. With the symbol you can add another weekly cycle. You can save up to 4 cycles in a weekly program. 



Note: For example, you can use weekly cycles for fixed time models for part-time employees.

Tab "holidays"

In the tab "holidays" you have to save the daily programs for holidays.



Here you can choose from the following days:

  • working day = holiday

Here you define which daily program has to be used if a holiday is on a Monday, Tuesday, etc. If you do not deposit any holidays in the weekly program, the program will take the working day as a holiday, which is deposited in the tab "Daily programs for working day, saturday and sunday".

Example: Monday is a holiday and there is no "holiday Monday" deposited in the weekly program. In this case, the system uses the normal daily program for Monday on the holiday. If the daily program has a target time of 08:00, then the employee in this case would have a target time of 08:00 on the holiday. Therefore, a corresponding daily program should also be deposited for each holiday.

  • Christmas

Here you set the daily program for Christmas. 

  • New Year

Here you set the daily program for New Year. 

Saving a weekly program

The following options are available regarding the weekly program:


Once the week program has been assigned to a staff member, you have two options:

  1. Copy: Copies the week program 1:1 and creates a new one. The reason why you should copy the weekly programm is, that there is a clear distinction from the old one.
  2. Save and rerun daily account: saves the changes and calculates all employees who have this weekly program back to the day on which this weekly program was run for the first time. ATTENTION: Because of the retrograde calculation, the values in the past can change! 

If the weekly program is not yet assigned to an employee, then it's simply saved.

By the way, you can use "Save & Archive" to remove weekly programs that are no longer needed.

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