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In this area, the assignment of the person to different roles is historized. It is possible to assign more than one role per validity period.

Neuer Text -ACHTUNG: Rollenbezeichnungen anpassen! 

The feature Role in HR-Expert provides a documentation of the functions of an employee and the competences connected with this functions, e.g. unit director: permission of vacation requests, personnel administration: processing sick leave reports.

HR-Expert standardizly offers two roles to assigne to employees or groups of employees: 

director: this role provides advanced competences to approve or declain certain requests of employees concerning vacation, day offs, legal time off for medical issues etc.

personnel administration: supporting evaluations and creations of reports concerning certain topics, e.g. bank accounts, sick days, vacations or other statistics to other subjects

HR Experts offers the option of linking more than one role to an employee if necessary to visualize a persons responsibility and tasks. 

Important: Consider Time limitation and Historisation. so that you achieve the intended effectiveness and historization! 

Evaluations refering to roles require an intemediat step: all employees who own the same role have to be merged to lot groups (e.g. lot group of directors). So an evaluation of roles can be done by using the filter of lot groups for creating the report. 

Here you find information to the topic of  lot groups and to the topic of reports.  HYPERLINKS SETZEN

Recommendation: If you presume requirements of reports based on roles, merge every employee to a fitting lot group a soon as you add a role to his profile.  Note: If you require further roles for the presentation of your company in Personalwolke just ask our experts for generating further individual roles. 
Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)2048180
Version 8 von Renate Fuchs-Schreiber
am 30.11.22 13:41:07
Name: Tab Organisation - Roles
Variante: main - en
Status: Entwurf
Version 9 von Renate Fuchs-Schreiber
am 30.11.22 13:41:58
Name: Tab Organisation - Roles
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung