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The person administration includes all evaluable employees of the company as well as all users of the employee portal. These two sets of persons do not necessarily have to be congruent.  However, each person who is to be evaluated using the authorization structures of the Personalwolke must exist as a master record in the Personalwolke.

Depending on requirements, all active employees as well as employees who have left the company can be managed here.

The person master data fulfill 2 functions:

  • enable access to the Personalwolke (access to the Personalwolke is only possible for active users).
  • The employee can be evaluated (employees who have left the company can also be taken into account here).

All person master data is entered and managed in the person administration, such as user name, personnel number, which group (department) the employee is assigned to, which roles he or she holds, and who is responsible for this employee (superior, personnel). Passwords are also managed here.

New group assignments can be made here as well as the assignment of new roles. 

An employee can only be assigned to one hierarchical group at a time, but to several loose groups!

Active / Inactive Employees

A differentiation can be made between active and inactive employees. 

Active employees are all employees with Personalwolke access, they are fully evaluable. Non-active employees do not have access to the Personalwolke, cannot be reached via the Switch user user switching function, but can be fully evaluated. Non-active employees can be, for example, employees who work in a production hall and do not have a fixed workstation or PC. Here, time recording and corrections can be carried out by a superior person (e.g. shift, team or plant manager, etc.).

Employees are identified as active or inactive in the person master data sheet.

New entries / Resignations

The creation of new employees is done directly in the Personalwolke via the menu item New Person. New employees can be marked as active or inactive when they are created.

The following options are available for employees who have left the company: 

  • Employee is deleted directly in the Personalwolke
    Please note that the deleted employee can not be evaluated!
  • Employee is marked as inactive 
    Due to the inactive status, a Webdesk user license becomes free, but an evaluation license must be grantedwill be calculated for this user. The inactive employee remains evaluable in his former group, but can no longer actively enter the Webdesklogin into Personalwolke, or there is no  no Switch user user switching option to the inactive employee.
  • Employee is moved to a leaving group 
    If an employee who has left the company is moved to a leaving group, his or her status should be set to inactive. This means that the effects are the same as for inactive employees. The advantage here is that the leaving employee no longer appears in his or her original group, or if this group is deleted, the leaving can still be evaluated.

It should be noted here that the legislator intends to archive the data for a certain period of time. The webdesk Personalwolke automatically takes care of this point and no intervention on your part is necessary.


The historization of the employee data refers only to the evaluation possibilities, and is meant to consider left employees and group changes. This guarantees the possibility of a historically correct group assignment for department changes. 

Mime Typetext/xmltext/xml
Größe (in Bytes)39043891
Version 6 von Ms. Ex-Mitarbeiter
am 21.05.21 10:34:18
Name: Persons
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung
Version 7 von Ms. Ex-Mitarbeiter
am 21.05.21 10:39:49
Name: Persons
Variante: main - en
Status: Veröffentlichung