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permission concept

Personalwolke Time:


PB-ALLE + PB-Management

PB-ALLE + PB-Admin

Standard group - this group MUST be assigned to every user!

Management Group - Users added to this group will receive additional menu items for evaluation of company employees - accounts evaluationcalendar overviewannual calendar and statistics.

Administrators group - Users added to this group are given additional menu items for managing the OrganigramPersonsGroups and Roles, as well as the ability to Switch users to view the webdesk from the perspective of the selected user.

Of course it is also possible to add a user to all loose groups and thus unlock the administration AND management menu items to the user or a simple standard user is created which is only added to the loose group PB-ALLE.

The menu item Time management --> Correction client represents a special case. Only persons who have assigned the Personnel role can use this correction client (regardless of the loose groups to which they have been added) to change bookings.

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