Documents TO-DOs

The following documents where either created empty and assigned to specific authors in order that they bring in content or existing content has to be reworked. In the content itself there should be couple of questions or titles specifying futher what needs to be done.

As soon as writing, quality assurance has ended in the document, please remove the custom field 'TODO'


2675-dsyModul Time & Attendance TO BE TRANSLATED Im Webdesk EWP Modul Time & Attendance hat jeder Benutzer die Möglichkeit seine aktuellen und historischen Zeitbuchungen inkl. der daraus abgeleiteten Zeitkonten (tägliche, wöchentliche und jährliche Arbeitszeiten) jederzeit online einzusehen. Die Daten können zusätzlich in PDF ...Anita04.09.08 10:58:28Anzeigen
2682-dsyPortal & Organisation The "Portal & Organization" module can be seen as a basic module and allows the administrator to define and design the basic structures of the webdesk program. This basic framework is made up of the following areas and associated questions:: Organization management Authorization control ...Anita04.09.08 11:30:24Anzeigen
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