Personalwolke welcome page
General information
Die Startseite der Personalwolke Webdesk Software zeigt einige Status-Informationen zu dem eingeloggten Benutzer und bietet die Möglichkeit sich mittels Klick auf sofort einzubuchen (das heißt die Zeiterfassung zu starten; Kommen-Buchung) - ein reiner Login reicht für eine Kommen-Buchung NICHT aus! The welcome page of the Personalwolke Webdesk software shows some status information about the logged in user and offers the possibility to log in immediately by clicking on Book (i.e. to start the time recording; Come booking) - a pure login is NOT sufficient for a Come booking!
Classic |
Responsive |
The YELLOW bordered area shows the name of the logged in user.
The GREEN bordered area shows the personnel number of the logged-in user.
The BLUE bordered area represents a link to this manual in the corresponding
chapter (in this case the chapter on Booking).
The VIOLET Bordered area displays the Navigation menu.
The RED bordered area shows a button to quickly show or hide the navigation
The ORANGE bordered area shows if and how many new Open Tasks are to be
completed with the possibility to directly switch there by clicking on them.
The width of the navigation menu can be individually adjusted by clicking and dragging the small white arrows on the right side of the navigation menu.
Classic: |
You can also hide the menu completely by clicking
is possible:
Classic |
Responsive |
The menu is displayed again by clicking again.
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